Friday, September 5, 2014

Pity Party: A Dangerous Game

*Please forgive me.This was supposed to be posted 3 months ago, but it is still relevant. Happy Reading*

One thing that I absolutely cannot stand is a pity party. I don’t like throwing one for others and sure enough, I do not enjoy having one for myself. As a matter of fact, if I even think of muttering a complaint (not venting but full out “woe is me, life is so unfair” complaining), often times I find myself rebuking the thought. Why is that? Because complaining leads to self-pity and self-pity will kill your vibe and zap the energy of those who try to cater to this ridiculousness.

This may sound harsh, but after hearing about what happened in May with Isla Vista Killings, this just reaffirms my views on the topic at hand. Elliot Rodger, the murderer, was not only deeply disturbed but he was extremely unappreciative. He thought that he deserved everything but did not put in the work needed to get results. He truly thought that everything he desired should come his way. He did not sow but expected to reap in abundance. This poor mentality led him to wallow in his pity.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It's Haul Time with Tea!

Yes! I got dibs on the first post of this Magnificent Blog! Whoop whoop!
Okay, I was supposed to write this post about 2 weeks ago (darn procrastination!). Anyways, here I am with a HAUL BLOG! I work part-time at this awesome bookstore that sells used and new items. It feels like every week there is some awesomely great sale going on. Well, the Saturday I decided to go in (my day off) they were having a grand sale, ALL USED ITEMS $2.99! That is right, $2.99! So you know what I did, I grabbed up $10 in coins and took my happy butt to the store! And yes, paying in quarters was totally worth it for this sale :)
With my change in hand, I picked up two art books (one of them still new in plastic but technically used) and the newest Beyoncé CD (edited for my ears, of course).